Arwen and Traveller Puppies


                                                       SixWeeks Old

 We are now 6 weeks old.   We had our well puppy check by the veterinarian and he gave us our first puppyhood vaccination.  None of us even gave a yelp.  We are so brave!  :)  We also got more of that yummy worming medicine after getting our nails clipped again.  Guess what?!  We also get to go outside now.  Wow.  It is an entire new world out there and we have such fun playing out there.  We also have a little tub full of water that we get to play in sometimes.  And, of course, with water and dirt, we discovered we can make mud.  :D  !  We don't make too much though; just enough to experiment a little with it.  Anyways, we are enjoying getting older and all the extra fun stuff we get to do and learn about.  Mommy says we are lucky that it cooled off for us. All we know is life is good. 

                                   We are the little girl puppies. 


 Hi, my collar is purple.

Hi, my collar is orange. 


                                   We are the little boy puppies.

Hi, my collar is brown. 

Hi, my collar is dark blue. 

 Hi, my collar is green.

 Hi, my collar is light blue.

Hi, my collar is multi-colored.  My picture is on the right. 

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